Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Who was Shivaji? Part -3

Part - 2
Who was Shivaji? Questions the hindu communal appropriation of Shivaji as an anti-muslim Hindu Raja not by portraying Shivaji as a modern secular ruler but by underlining the fact that Shivaji was a Hindu Raja but being a Hindu Raja in the 17th century did not necessarily mean being a Hindu communical ruler dedicated to destruction of Islam.

How else is the employment of Muslims in large numbers by Shivaji in his navy and other services b explained?

If Shivaji was committed to extirpation of Islam in India why did he get Afzal Khan buried with full military honor after slaying (killing) him in 1659 and sanction funds for the upkeep of his tomb?

Shivaji treated Muslim and Islam with respect and was not averse (dislike) to establishing relations with those Hindus who has converted to Islam and wished to re-convert to Hinduism; no Nazi style final solution to the fluidity and co-existence of religious identities were to be ffound in 17th century.

Religion was important to pre-colonial Indians like it was to all pre-modern societies in general, but unlike 16th century Europe, this war of religion were not to be found in India.

Part-4 Coming Soon... 

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