Friday, October 9, 2015

Need of Reservation in India?

Need of Reservation in India?
If we go back to political, social and religion History of ancient India then first thing we will come to know is Certain (Brahmins) classes of society intentionally kept themselves 100% reservation in all the sector such as religious, political, business, education etc.

dd.jpgAccording to Vedic Hindu religious Brahmins was at the apex of the society and having all the rights. Varna system and cast system are the special features of Hindu religion and still some people feel proud of it. In reality is nothing but pathological disease to society. In Vedic Hindu or Bramhani Dharma or Hindu religion is divided into four Varna and 6000 different casts.

Sudra and Untouchables was not having any human rights, even they are not considered as a Human. This situation was little improved in last 50 years but in order to develop these people we must give opportunity to such people.
And that opportunity is nothing but Reservation.

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