Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mystery behind Shivaji sword or Bhawani mata Sword?

Everyone of us heard about Great Shivaji's sword was gifted by goddess Bhawani mata. Some gave complete credit of Great shivaji achievement to Bhawani mata sword. Did anyone read true history of Great shivaji?.  Intentionally some classes of society propagate false history amongst dalit, poor and half literature people who blindly believe in what they used to heard from different digital media. 

One of the Former Chief minister of Maharashtra was in popularity for long days for bringing back the Great Shivaji maharaj sword to India from England. While other political parties were campaign in the society with catchphrase "Jay shivaji. Jay Bhawani" in order to gain votes of Hindu superstitious believers.  
The sword was made in Portugal which is proved by researchers. Portugal was well advanced in the technology of producing sword from different metals at that period.  With the empires of Portugal it came to Sawant via Goa as we all know Goa was under influence of Portugal empires and from Sawant it came to Great Shivaji.  Maharaja. There was no relations of Bhawani mata with this sword. In Satara museum sword was preserved, there are disputes going weather it was the same sword or not. Portuguese letters were written on that sword. Still you can visit museum and explore more details.
Our illiteracy and blind belief are main power of certain classes of society whose main agenda is to not unveiled bitter truth. You will not understand Great Shivaji maharaj just by chanting Jay Shivaji Jay Bhawani every morning every evening neither you will understand Bhawani mata.

Some Pics from Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Museum.(Satara)

Shield, Sword, weapons.& Painting of Ch.Shivaji Maharaj

Shield, Sword, weapons.& Painting of Ch.Shivaji Maharaj

Set of several types of sword, Gold carving on silver case is typical sword of Maharaja's. Some swords also articulated by diamonds.


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