Monday, March 30, 2015

Haryana CM ML Khattar: Boot-liker of RSS

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said that the government's decision to include 'Sholakas' of Bhagwat Gita in the school curriculum will "give right direction to the society."

I am totally in oppose in this. Our county is of diversity of different kind of communal people. If Government made the compulsion of 'Sholakas' of Bhagwat Gita in the school curriculum. It will agglomerate the religious un-stability in society and most importance it will be against our constitution. No one is upper than our constitution.

Muslims and Christians may not want their children to be taught these books, and hence their children should not be forced to read them.

The Chief Minister said that Gita shows 'the right direction to society'. But Muslims may say that only the Quran shows the right direction, Christians may say that only the Bible shows the right direction, Sikhs may say that only the Guru Granth Saheb shows it, Parsis may say only the Zend Avesta shows it, etc, 

People like Khattar try to discontent the people feelings and get the benefit for self.

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